13 reasons to eat cucumbers

13 reasons to eat cucumbers
13 reasons to eat cucumbers

Cucumbers take the 4th place among the most cultivated vegetables on the planet and are known as one of the best foods to support the overall well-being of the body. So, don’t miss to put some of them in the shopping basket, thus providing the organism with a natural remedy for an optimal health.
1. Cucumber rehydartes the body
If you feel difficulty to consume enough water, stake on the cold cucumber, which contains 90% of this priceless liquid. It will easily compensate the depleted water supplies.

2. Cucumber fights the heat inside and out of the body
 Cucumber consumption can decrease stomach acidity. When you apply it on your skin, this vegetable effectively alleviates the symptoms of sunburn.

3. Cucumber eliminates toxins
The great amount of water that is part of cucumber plays the role of a “broom”, which sweeps out the harmful substances of the body. Research shows that in case of regular consumption, cucumber is even able to dissolve kidney stones.

4. Cucumber supplies with the daily dose of vitamins
 Cucumber contains the major part of the necessary daily dose of vitamins. These are A, B, and C, which stimulate the immune system, and supplies the body with energy. The effect will be even better if you combine cucumber juice with spinach and carrots. We recommend leaving the skin on, as it contains a high amount of vitamin C, about 12% of the recommended daily allowance.

5. Cucumber contains important minerals for the skin
 Cucumberisrichinpreciousmineralslikepotassium, magnesium, andsilica. This is the reason why spa centers offer a variety of cucumber treatments.

6. Cucumber removes the fullness under the eyes
 The placement of cold slices of cucumber over puffy eyes is a cliché among the beatifying remedies, but the truth is that this vegetable helps to reduce the puffiness and fullness under the eyes, thankfully to the anti-inflammatory properties.

7. Cucumber helps digestion and weight loss
Due to its high concentration of water and low calories content, cucumber is an excellent tool in the process of weight reduction. It can be added to soups and salads.

Cucumber consumption is a great way to train your jaw, while the fibers promote digestion.
8. Cucumber gives support in case of diabetes, lowers cholesterol, and controls blood pressure
Cucumber juice contains a type of hormone, which is needed by cells of the pancreas in order to produce insulin and also is well known with the positive effect on patients with diabetes. Scientists have found that certain substances included in cucumbers, called sterols, are able to help for the lowering of cholesterol levels. Furthermore, this vegetable contains a great amount of fibers, potassium, and magnesium. These nutritional elements work effectively for regulation of blood pressure. The mentioned so far, leads to the conclusion that cucumber consumption is a good option in efforts to influence both high and low blood pressure.

9. Cucumber refreshes the breath
Its juicecuresandrefreshesdiseasedgums. Take one slice of cucumber and with the help of the tongue touch the upper part of the mount cavity for a half minute. Phytochemicals will eliminate the bacteria that cause the unpleasant breath.

10. Cucumber smoothes hair and nails
Due to the miracle mineral silica, cucumber strengthens the hair and nails, and also makes them shine. The contained sulphur and silica stimulate hair growth.

11. Cucumber strengthensjoints, alleviates arthritis and gout pain
As a rich source of silica, cucumber enhances joint health by strengthening the connective tissue. When combined with carrot juice, it can relief arthritis and gout pains, by lowering the levels of uric acid.
12. Cucumber cures hangover
To avoid the morning headache or hangover, eat a couple of cucumber slices before going to bed. The vegetable contains enough vitamin B, sugar, and electrolytes to recover the balance of nutritional elements and to reduce the acute symptoms of hangover.

13. Cucumber supports kidneys health
 Cucumber reduces the levels of uric acid in the body, thus maintaining the kidneys in healthy condition.

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