Vitamin K2-Mk7 is a new and natural form of the fat-soluble vitamin K. According to various scientific studies, this new form is much more effective than the synthetic form of the vitamin.
What are the 3 key effects of vitamin K2-Mk7 over the human organism?
Vitamin K2-Mk7:
·         Strengthens the bones – by taking part in the production of active osteocalcin
·         Supports the cardiovascular health – by improving the elasticity of blood vessels walls
·         Improves the blood coagulation – without it blood coagulation is impossible
How does vitamin K2 help in cases of osteoporosis?
Countries like Japan, Korea and Thailand have developed a special therapy against osteoporosis and have been implementing it for years now. The Japanese experts are actually pioneers in the field of using vitamin K2 based supplements when treating osteoporosis.

What is osteocalcin and how is it connected to vitamin K?
It is believed that human skeleton is renewed every 7 years. This process depends on many biochemical factors and two types of specialized cells – osteoblasts (which are responsible for the bone-forming) and osteoclasts (which are responsible for bone resorption).

The osteoblasts synthesize a type of protein in the bones – osteocalcin – which is responsible for the binding of calcium to the bone matrix and by doing so it strengthens the bone system.

What problems may occur in case of vitamin K deficiency?
·         osteocalcin remains inactive
·         low bone density occurs
·         bones become weak and fragile
The scientists have proven that even in cases when osteoporosis has already been diagnosed and the patient is being actively treated with various medicines, the additional intake of vitamin K2 strengthens the newly formed bone tissue and decreases the risk of fractures.
How does vitamin K2 improve cardiovascular health?
This form of the vitamin has a beneficial impact over the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels. Vitamin K2-Mk7 supports arterial health, normalizes the blood pressure and improves the cardiovascular health.